What is a sauna hat and why use one?

Who’s that you spot from across the sauna, Lady Mary from Downton Abbey? No, no, they’re simply sporting a cloche. Or more specifically a sauna hat. Often overlooked, the sauna hat offers more than just a jaunty addition to your sauna attire. Let's explore why wearing one is not only practical but also beneficial for your health and well-being.

What are its origins?

It’s not entirely clear where the humble sauna hat originates from, but it is a staple of the Russian banya.

Once fashioned out of straw, these days wool felt is the preferred medium - the like you may have seen at our sites.

Community Sauna Bath hats

You’re always welcome to borrow from our collection or, if you’re keen to invest in your look, we sell beautiful hats at reception.

Feeling inspired?

We also think it’s pretty cool to get crafty and make your own hat, which can be done pretty easily with felting. All you need is some unspun wool yarn, a felting mat, hot water and soap. Consider adding your own personal touches; whether it's embroidery or patches, make your sauna hat your own.

We would recommend checking out Barry Syke’s offering. Barry is Artist in Residence at the British Sauna Society and his hat boasts hand sewn pockets complete with laminated sauna proof business cards and even a red nose on top! Time to up your game, sauna hatters!

So let’s get down to it, why should we be wearing one?

While it might seem counter intuitive, these hats also actually help you stay in the sauna for longer. They create a layer of insulation, trapping cooler air around your head. This is helpful, since your head heats up faster than the rest of your body.

Equally, exposing your hair to such extremes can lead to dryness, frizziness, and damage. Your hat provides a protective layer that helps retain moisture in your hair, reducing this risk and keeping it healthy and hydrated.

Top tip

We also think a hat is especially useful in the event of an ice bomb! Once the ice infused with essential oils is placed onto the stones, a wall of fragrant steam engulfs you. Fret not though, pulled down over your face, your trusty hat shields you from the oncoming intensity.

So, next time you step into the sauna, consider donning a sauna hat and reap the rewards of this simple yet valuable accessory. You’ll look as stylish as our fave It Girl from another era, Lady Mary.


Unlocking Wellbeing: Health Benefits of Sauna


Sweat, Relax, Repeat: Embracing Body Neutrality In The Sauna